Tuesday 12 August 2014

The After Effects

As I had been talking to people about Avonex and the side effects I would experience from injecting this drug I went to the hospital prepared. I had taken my two ibropfen, two hours before hand as instructed to help fight off the flu like symptoms which I was told to expect.

The nurse even told me as well I would experience flu like symptoms. And an hour and a half later my head started to hurt and I felt bit miserable so when I went home I went straight to sleep and slept for about two hours. Woke up feeling bit more normal and went up to the North Coast with my parents. I was feeling a bit weak and after eating some lovely pooh bear (honeycomb) ice cream took to my bed for a rest. 

On Saturday I woke up with a bit of blurred vision, feeling bit weak and sore through the body but I got up and went on with the day. Went for coffee with parents and then in the afternoon was still feeling ok so we went for a walk along Ramore head in Portrush. Actually managed the whole walk which was great - not too tired and my leg was not too sore, thanks goodness.

Was tired at night to went to bed and watched some Homeland, great series. 

On Sunday I woke up at 10am, so body obviously needed the rest - was tired most of the day Sunday and did not do very much. I was also very low from Saturday evening to Sunday - negative thoughts coming and going, but spoke to my friend from London who knows me well and it helped very much just to talk to someone and listen to them as well. 

I came home from the North Coast to Ballymena that evening and was thinking how I have come through the injection process well and had no real bad flu like symptoms - as was expecting to have felt worse.

However that was not too last and on Monday morning it hit me like a brick - I was all shaky, feeling weak, going hot and cold, bad headache and the site were I injected was killing me. Seems like I had a delayed reaction. Went to work but came home feeling miserable and spent afternoon/evening on sofa shivering and watching TV, was in bed by 9.30. 

Today am feeling bit better but still not great. But know I will be fine. Hoping that every week will not be the same, but will wait and see what happens. The MS Nurse said it takes three months for your body to get used to the injection and nine month to a year to see any real affects the drug is having on my body. 

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