Thursday 7 August 2014

Relapse Number 4

I have told you about the other relapses I have had, well not keen in just having one relapse I have now had four relapses with the latest one starting on 12th July.

I woke up on the 12th feeling rotten, my head was spinning and I just felt terrible - I stayed in bed for a while and thought would be ok but throughout the day just continued to feel bad. I was due to go out to my aunts house to spend the 12th with my family but was to dizzy to drive so didn't. However my family took pity on me and came to collect me, which was lovely, so got to spend time with them and eat a delicious fry as well.

I started to feel a bit better being in company  - however I barely slept that night and woke up on Sunday feeling bad, didn't go to church as again too dizzy to drive. To make things worse when I came down the stairs I realised that our freezer was not working - so all the food was defrosting - not good.

I went to my other aunts house for Sunday lunch which was lovely then we came back to mine and sorted out the freezer - Heather took so much of it home and cooked it for us, brought it back to put in our freezer as we thought it was working again. However, next morning they had to come and pick it all up again as the freezer was definitely breaking and nothing we put in last night had frozen up. So now our food is in the freezers of my Nana and my Aunt!

On the Monday morning I woke up feeling still the same and has actually passed out a couple of times over the weekend and my stomach was going wild - not vomiting but felt like it was in spasm - which is a sudden or involuntary contraction of  a muscle. I did not like this or the fact that my head was spinning so I rang the out of hours doctors (it was a bank holiday here) and went to see them were there told me what I knew anyway - I was having a relapse! Lovely.

So what were all of my symptoms this time - well there were the usual ones of dizziness, pins and needles, headache and fatigue and this new one - spasms. I have found out that the spasm of the stomach muscles is called an MS Hug -which is a deceptive name as hugs are meant to be loving and this is definitely not. Due to this new symptom I have now got another medication to take - so now am on 22  tablets a day (not all same ones, some are taken three times a day)  - lovely.

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