Tuesday 10 March 2015

Writing: Rant and Rave

In the writing group was asked to do an 80 word RANT and an 80 word RAVE, about anything at all.

Here is my RANT:

Do you know what really annoys me? People who walk their dogs, let them poo and never pick it up after them. It’s common decency to clean up after their dogs, but some people are so lazy and just leave it lying, so other unfortunate people walk in it and spread the mess and smell everywhere they go. What does it take to carry a plastic bag with you, walk over to the poo, pick it up and bin it?

(80 Words)

Here is my RAVE:

I love Marshmallows, they were a great invention, who would have thought that sugar whipped to a spongy consistency would taste so great and create memories like playing fluffy bunnies.  They can be eaten on their own, in puddings or in hot chocolate. Watching them melt in hot chocolate reminds me of clouds moving in the sky.  You can squish them, pull them put them in different shapes. They come in all different forms and colours. Marshmallows taste like heaven.

(80 Words)

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