Thursday 26 March 2015

Flash Fiction:: Quiet Please!

I can’t believe we have to research this book for school.
Oh do we, I thought we were just looking at it for fun
Man, do you ever listen in class?
Nah. but hey look at this, how funny is that?
It’s hilarious, how would that work?
I’ve no idea, but look at that one, how uncomfortable does that look?
Oh my word, check this one out, HA HA, look at that the way they are positioned?
Shhhhhhh Man you are being very loud
So are you
But this is a library we are meant to be quiet, or the librarian will be over to tell us off!
You are louder than me
No you are louder
Whatever man, you are way louder than anyone else, people are staring at you
I know but it’s because I am drop dead gorgeous!
Whatever! I am going back to this book. It’s brilliant, you might learn something useful!
Yeah you too! You are a novice! You need educated
You are so rude and just jealous of my track record!
Whatever! Why would the teacher make us research this book?
HA man, did you really believe me, this is just for fun or other educational purposes if you like!
Good, cos for one moment I thought we were going to have to write an essay on this, and that would just be so weird.
Shhhh, you’re still being loud, if you are any louder we will be kicked out and we don’t want the librarian to know what book we are reading, we might get into detention again for reading inappropriate material!
Ok, I will be quiet. Let me see some more of those.
Ok, hey look at that, HA HA HA HA
Shh man stop laughing so loudly
Because the librarian is coming our way
Crap, shove this book on the nearest shelf. We need to go before we get into trouble AGAIN!


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