Monday 20 April 2015

Flash Fiction: The search for the acorn

Challenge: Take a cartoon character and bring them into the real world, what would they think?

“Mummy, mummy, look at that funny squirrel”

“Come on Ellie, don’t go near that thing, he could be dangerous”

“Awww mummy, he’s not dangerous, he’s cute, and it’s not fair”

The squirrel in question, wasn't dangerous, he didn't even look dangerous and he wasn't any old squirrel, he was a little sabre-toothed squirrel called Scrat who was a little bit lost.  Scrat normally lived in a world which was covered in ice and where a mammoth, a tiger and a sloth were best friends, something you wouldn’t get in this new world he had ended up in, but somehow Scrat had made a leap from his strange world, to this new strange world.  

A world which was full of animals who had four legs but only walked on two of them, and they came in all shapes and sizes which really confused Scrat as he had never seen anything like this before.  The place Scrat had ended up in was a zoo, where the animals were all kept in cages and not allowed to roam free. They couldn't talk either, as he had tried talking to a Lion, but the Lion just roared back at him scaring Scrat to death.

In Scrats eyes this was all very weird but the one thing that was disconcerting more than anything – he couldn't find his acorn. He has been chasing it down the icy hill one moment, and the next moment it had disappeared and he was standing in the middle of the zoo.

After not getting any help from his fellow animal friends Scrat decided to go and explore more and found himself in the middle of a street where he encountered more funny looking animals, who were in fact called humans. Scrat did not like them because they kept kicking him, knocking him over and yelling at him, he felt sad and decided to go and try and is acorn.

Scrat walked, walked and walked, until he found himself in a place covered in green which was full of brown things with green bushes on top of them, which were named trees, which Scrat thought was a funny word.  He walked through the park and ran up and down the trees where he was thrilled to discover more squirrels – yeah he had playmates.  He was having so much fun with his friends but he still missed his acorn. Suddenly his despair turned to hope when he finally found an acorn – he made a run for it but didn't manage to get it as another squirrel came along and stole it from him.  Scrat was in despair but he wasn't going to give up without a fight, and so began a long battle over who got this acorn.

After about what seemed like years, Scrat got the acorn, he grabbed it with both paws, did a wee jump in the air and found himself back in his home, the land full of ice.  Scrat was happy at being home, but something was missing – he had lost his acorn. Now a new search had begun. 

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