Tuesday 7 April 2015

Flash Fiction: Language Learning

‘Oh I'm finding this language learning so hard”

“I know but it has to be done”

“Why couldn't I have gone to an English speaking country?”

“Because God sent you here to Peru”

“I know, he has a great sense of humour!.  He knew I had no Spanish”

“Well isn't he giving you the opportunity to learn a new skill?”

“Ha ha yeah, I wish I’d learned a language when I was younger, my 30-year old brain not doing too good”

“You will be good, just go out and use the language, don’t be scared”

“I am trying to. You are a natural though”

“Well I have a language brain.  I speak French already and Spanish is of the same family, so it’s not as hard, but still tough as I get French and Spanish words mixed up, and when I am tired I end up throwing some English words in”

“I do that as well with English words. Apparently I am fluent in Spanglish”

“Ha ha, so does that mean I talk Frenspanish, a mix of French, Spanish and English”

“Yeah, that’s a cool word”

“You know I understand and can read Spanish better than I can speak it.  I get nervous when am out and about and having to speak to people. I am worried they won’t understand me or if they will laugh at me”

 “But going out and speaking it is how you learn, and if people laugh, laugh with them.  Just think how they would be if they came to England knowing no English. Just by trying to learn the language shows them that you are wanting to engage with them. They appreciate it”

“Yeah I suppose you are right”

“I have seen you have conversations with people, which is good. And if they correct you then don’t get annoyed or think you are a failure, correction is good, see it as them helping you and not as criticism”

“Yeah you are right and as my primary school teacher once said, ‘practice makes perfect’ and ‘if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again’”

“OK, well let’s take that advice and go down to the market and practice our Spanish as well as getting some of that delish Peruvian food”

“Great idea. Thanks”

Story dare – write an enthusiastic heart to heart between two characters who are learning a second language”

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