Friday 4 September 2015

Flash Fiction: The Unwanted Guest

Oh my word, can life get any more complicated.  Just two months ago I started a new life – moved out of the parental home, got married and moved in with the wife.  It was two months of married bliss, we were still in the honeymoon period and nothing was going to ruin that.  Nothing.  We were happy and enjoying out time together with no intrusions.  Nothing was going to ruin that.  Nothing. But that all changed with the ring of the doorbell.

Last night while my wife and I were enjoying a candle let dinner to celebrate two months of being married, our doorbell rang.  Initially we ignored it as we did not want to be disturbed, but the doorbell kept ringing and whoever was behind it was pretty insistent.  The noise was annoying so I decided it was best to answer the door and had the best intentions of telling the person behind it to go far away.

However when I opened the door I realised those words would not work or even ever be able to come out of my mouth because there standing on my doorstep was my mother! I was speechless.

What’s wrong with that I hear you say, mothers are lovely?  Yes they are lovely, and I love my mum to bits. But….. it was what stood beside my mother which shocked me, because standing beside her was four suitcases and other prized possessions of my mother’s.

Since I had been standing quiet at the door for a few minutes, my wife came to see what was happening as she was a bit concerned.  She took one look at me, then at my mother and back to me and said “What’s going on here?”

I just stood there, still speechless while my Mum said, “I am moving in with you both!”

“What did you just say?” I replied
“I said, I am moving in”
“What, where, why and how?”
“The what is that I am moving in with you both, the where being into your house, this house, the one on whose doorstep I am standing right now being blocked by you, the why is because your father has kicked me out and I have nowhere else to do, and the how – well youa re going to carry my bags in while I walk over the threshold of the door!!”
“But why, why here?”
“I told you, I have nowhere else to go”
“No, no it’s too small here”
“I am moving in, that’s that! You are my Son.  I am your mother.  You looked after me so now you are too look after me!”
“No, no we can’t…..”
I looked at my wife for backup, but she being very afraid of my mother just looked at me and said, “Come on Alex, be a good son and carry your mother’s bags up to the spare room”

I look over at Gemma, my wife with disbelief on my face.  How was I going to cope living in the same house as my mother and wife?  So I did what any sensible person would do in this situation, got my coat and walked out the front door and said, “Enjoy ladies.  I am going to go and live with Dad! Have fun! And with that I closed the door and walked away! 

Prompt: A man’s mother decides to move in with him unannounced

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