Sunday 27 September 2015

Flash Fiction: Mind Games

Why do we always have to do this, join hands and say grace before every meal, it is so boring. Every morning, noon and night, well when we are in the house anyway, we cannot start our meals until grace is said.  It doesn't matter if there are two or us or all eight of us, we have to hold hands and either sing or listen to dad before we can sit down.

Tonight mum called dinner time twenty minutes ago and I have been waiting at the table with Dad, Mum and little Joey but we have to wait until my two brothers, my younger sister and my Granda, who lives with us, all arrive at the table.  Sometimes Granda Joe can take ages to come because he is so slow.  Finally after another five minutes wait and countless shouts upstairs to everyone, the whole clan has gathered at the table. Let the hand holding and grace begin.

I know I should be concentrating on what is being said, but I can’t, my mind is wandering, lots of different thoughts going through my head, but hey wait a minute that’s not one of my thoughts, someone is putting words into my head.  What’s going on?

Am I hearing other people’s thoughts, am I reading their minds, what’s going on? So many random thoughts and words going through my mind and I can’t piece them together. I need to concentrate hang on, what’s this “I wish Jennifer would call me back, why is she avoiding me”. Who is Jennifer and who is she avoiding, can only be two people really, Daniel and Josh, my two big brothers. I doubt Granda Joe has a woman on the go and Dad, well dad would never cheat on my mum, would he?

Oh here comes another thought, I am not sure I like being able to read their minds because am not liking what I hear, “I so wish Deborah would not wear clothes like that, she looks so out of sorts, who will want to marry her” ahhhh, why is my mum thinking those things about me. She is so nice to my face but that’s how she really sees me, as non-marriage material. Well thanks so much Mother!

“I so want a smoke, just right now, would be so nice. I can’t believe Josh believed me when I told him it was normal nicotine in my snuff box, that boy wouldn’t know what marijuana was if it hit him in the face!”  What was this, Daniel has got a stash of marijuana in his room….. Why is he keeping it away from me? Ah wait till I tell Mum this. Maybe this mind reading business isn't so bad after all, think of all the information I can gather on others and then use it on them to get my way. Good old fashioned blackmail and fun! 

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