Monday 1 June 2015

Flash Fiction: Night after night

It was awful, I woke up sweating and shaking.  It was another night of fitful sleep and going places I never wanted to revisit again.  For the past few months every time I closed my eyes, unwanted images came into my head.  This made it hard for me to go to sleep as I didn't want to experience the feeling of fear any more.

It is the same dream every night, or a better word to describe it might be nightmares.  It felt like Groundhog Day, or to be more specific, Groundhog night.  Every night it starts the same, I am tied up and struggling to get free and I had no idea how I got there or who was responsible for binding my hand together.

I find myself lying beside a rough edged box in a cold dark stone floored room, shivering and scared. However, I manage to lift myself up and get my back towards one of the edges of the box and start to try and saw my way through the rope, in a hope to get free.  It takes time, effort and lots of energy but I manage to do it. I get free.

I throw the rope off and stand up.  I look around me, I am alone in the room.  There is nothing in the room except for the box. However, I spot a door.  I walk towards it, try the handle. It’s open. I walk through the door.

On the other side, I am greeted by a very fierce dog who bears his tea and snarls at me.  I freeze.  I hate dogs.  I am scared of them.  I see no way past the dog.  I panic.  I am closed in, no way out of the room except for the door I walked in, so I went back through to the first room, making sure the door is shut tight so the dog can’t follow me.

Back in the first room, I see another door that wasn't there before. Where it came from, I do not know, but I also notice that the first door I walked through had now disappeared. This was freaky and weird.  I go over to the new door, and walk through it. No dogs this time, in fact the room is empty. I notice that this room as three other doors, one beside each other.  They were different colours, yellow, red and blue and reminded me of the beach huts, found on beaches to let people change into their swimming gear.

I decide to start with the red door. I open the door and enter the room.  Ahhhh this is horrible, my idea of a nightmare, it was full of insects crawling all over the place.  I immediately close the door and retreat back into what I will now call the ‘starter’ room since that’s where it all began.   Again I make sure the door is shut very tight. I don’t want any of the horrible wee insects to escape.  They give me the creeps and make me shudder and itch.

Back in the ‘starter’ room I am starting to find it difficult to breathe, I am panicking as I feel I will never escape.  I decide to try the yellow door this time. I open it.  It seems like I have entered a happy room this time as it is full of all my friends and family, all chatting and laughing with one another. I go up to speak to my Mum but she ignores me, so I try my friend Emma and she ignores me too. This is beginning to irritate me, so I stand up and shout at them all to listen to me, but no one seems to hear me or see me.   All of this hurts me, it makes me sad and feel rejected.  So I leave and go back to the ‘starter’ room.

I stand looking at the doors and think. I have now been in three rooms and they have all contained things that I am scared off – big snarly dogs, insects and rejection.  It suddenly begins to dawn on me, this nightmare, is a nightmare of my fears.  I had now encountered three of my fears, well actually four of them. The first fear was that of being tied up and not being able to move.

Now I wonder what the blue door will contain.  I don’t want to open the door, but I need to get out of this place. The ‘starter’ room is now beginning to close in on me and make me feel claustrophobic, which actually is another fear of mine.  That is now five fears that had forced themselves upon me.
Now am even more scared of opening the blue door,  as I have no idea what is lurking behind there to greet me.  However, am searching my brain and I can’t think of any more fears which I may have, either rational fears or irrational fears. But I may be wrong!

I gingerly walk over to the blue door, praying it is a way out and nothing nasty is behind it.  I cautiously open the door, it flies open and I am greeted by fire.  I realise I have opened the door to hell. I move to go back through the door, but instead I find myself falling into the fire and I scream and scream and scream. Then I wake up. I am scared, shaking and sweating. 

During the night I have come face to face with all my fears and conquered none of them.  Every night, the same thing, the same fears. When will it ever stop?

My screaming has woken up my husband who looks at me with concern. He asks me if I am OK, I look at him crying and say “Simon, could you empty the dream-catcher, it’s full of nightmares again”

Writing prompt - to include the lines "Simon, could you empty the dream-catcher, its full of nightmares again" into the story. 

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