Tuesday 24 June 2014

Off to work I go....

I had been unemployed since the end of September and job hunting for the whole of October and November, and thought that this would be the case for December and even into the New Year. However, things were about to change - in the first week of December I got a phone call offering me a job in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust working as an Information Analyst  - it was a temporary agency job contracted until end of March, but it was a job - was going to get me back on the work saddle!

When I got the call I was with my friend and sister drinking coffee - they were excited but I cried, and was not sure why I was upset, should have been happy - I was scared but deep down my illness was working on me and I didn't realise.

I was due to start work on the 16th December, and did get excited by the time the date came around. 

For three weekends in a row, starting the end of November I was plagued by a excruciating headache and pain behind my left eye and it was terrible. This is how I was feeling on 14th December and 15th December it got worse and I began to get dizzy and my vision was blurred - I thought my vertigo was coming back. I was quite anxious as well because I was due to start work the next day.  I went to sleep wondering if I would be able to go in the morning. The job was in Ballymoney which is 35 mins drive from where I live outside Ballymena.

I woke up the next morning, 17th December still not great. Headache was not as bad though the pain was still there behind my eye and I was dizzy and feeling very queasy. My eyesight was still not great but even so I got into the car and drove to Ballymoney, sat in the office in front of the computer for seven hours and drove home again. This was also the case for Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Looking back on it all I wonder how I did those journeys in the car with vision a bit blurry - it  is not recommended I tell you. And my Dad said he shudders to think of me driving there down the Frosses road which is so busy with eyesight not great and being dizzy as well. 

When I left work that day I did not realise it would be my last day working in Causeway House, Ballymoney because I did not know what was round the corner that evening. 

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