Thursday 22 December 2016

Movie Review: Dear Santa

The Christmas Movies continue and today I watched ‘Dear Santa’ which was released in 2011. Again it’s a bit cheesy but it’s still a cool movie. It is again a bit like the story of scrooge, except there is no bah humbug, just a misdirection of life.

The story focus on Crystal Carruthers (played by Amy Acker) who is a thirty year old woman who loves shopping, spending her wealthy parent’s money and not doing much else. Her parents feel she needs to get serious about like and tell her she has to Christmas to get her life in order.

While looking in a shop window a letter which has fallen out of the post box flies into Crystal’s arms. It is a Dear Santa letter from a little girl who wishes for a mum as her own mum died a few years ago and her dad has been miserable since and she just wants a mum again. So Crystal decides to take matters into her own hands and appears in their lives in order to get the Dad (Derek) to fall in love with her as she thinks that would solve her problems and get her parents off her back.

Crystal is being very selfish in what she is doing. 

In order to endear herself to Derek, (played by David Haydn-Jones)  Crystal volunteers in his soup kitchen serving the homeless – at the start she was not wanting to really touch the homeless but gradually she begins to see the people who they really are  - people, and in turn she changes and is starting to become a more caring person.

Crystal makes friends with Olivia, (played by Emma Duke) Derek’s daughter and the girl who wrote the letter and they become friends. You can see that Derek is starting to fall for Crystal but there is a problem, he has a girlfriend who is determined to get her claws into Derek much to the annoyance of Olivia as she does not like her and doesn’t want her as a mother figure.

However this girlfriend Jillian (played by Gina Holden) exposes Crystal as a liar and turns Derek against her. 

The subplot of the movie is that Derek cannot afford to keep the soup kitchen open and Crystal seeing the pain of the homeless decides to use the $10,000 check she got from her parents, their final payment to support her, to keep the soul kitchen open.  Soon after Derek is driving past the soup kitchen and discovers it is open and on asking Pete - the chef – what is happening Pete tells him that maybe it was fate that brought the letter to Crystal and then Crystal to him.

Derek goes home to say goodnight to Olivia but discovers she is not in bed, he goes to look for her and finds her by the town Christmas tree with Crystal. Just as she tells the girl that she found her letter to Santa, Derek arrives, apologizes to her, and the three embrace each other.

The movie ends with all three of them eating their Christmas Dinner at the Soup Kitchen, all happy.

It is a feel good movie and about a lost woman finding her purpose in life. I enjoyed it and it made me smile. 

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