Wednesday 27 April 2016

Writing: 20 uses for Marshmallows

I was looking on Twitter for writing prompts when I came across the following: “Today's writing prompt: 20 uses for a marshmallow, which don't involve eating it”. I thought this was quite cool and decided to accept the challenge. So here goes, my 20 ideas for uses for marshmallows:

  1. Play Fluffy Bunnies (unsure what this is, definition is found below list
  2. Use them as an eraser!
  3. Get rid of spots, boils or abscesses ( the high sugar content of marshmallows attract pus cells and bacteria but only effective if there is a head on said boil, spot or abscess!)
  4. Manicure or Pedicure aid (instead of cotton wool balls, use marshmallows to separate fingers or toes!)
  5. Sugar Softener (Marshmallows act like a desiccant, and absorb excess moisture that cause sugar granules to clump together)
  6. Use them as earplugs!
  7. Use marshmallows to stop ice cream dips (put them in the bottom of the cone before you add the ice cream!)
  8. Use marshmallows to anchor birthday cake candles (to keep the candle wax off the frosting)
  9. Use as ammunition for a sling shot
  10. Instead of a make-up sponge use a marshmallow (pink ones may be best for this!)
  11. Apply your lotions and creams with a marshmallow instead of using cotton wool!
  12. When on a walk throw them on the ground instead of breadcrumbs so you can find your way home again!
  13. Put numbers on a marshmallow and use as a dice
  14. Use as bait when fishing
  15. Use them as nose plugs
  16. Make a mini Michelin man!
  17. Instead of a paintbrush, use a marshmallow for painting pictures
  18. Use as edible glue (melt them down and use as glue if making gingerbread houses etc)
  19. Make a marshmallow launcher and use the marshmallows as ammunition
  20. Use as building blocks and build towers

What is Fluffy Bunnies?

Fluffy bunnies is a game, which is usually played at teenage parties, but anyone can play. The idea is to see how many marshmallows a person can fit in his or her mouth.

If just shoving marshmallows into one's mouth isn't bad enough, another idea behind fluffy bunnies is that each time a player puts a marshmallow into their mouth, they have to say 'fluffy bunnies' with a reasonable amount of clarity.

Chewing the marshmallows is against the rules. Players must fit as many un-chewed marshmallows into their mouths as they can, and still be able to say 'fluffy bunnies'. Players may squash the marshmallows, but once players chew, they're out.

The real fun part of the game is when a player fails to say 'fluffy bunnies', and is consequently out of the game, at this point they need to dispose of the marshmallows.

Just a word of warning to those that are watching, stand clear of someone who is going to unload their 'fluffy bunnies'. It is not a pretty sight.

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