Sunday 19 October 2014

Russian Roulette!!

It is hard to believe I have been on the MS drug Avonex now for 11 weeks. And last week I had the privilege to go to Antrim Area Hospital and collect the next three months worth of drugs and deliver my big box of sharpies (used needles).  Now I am stocked up for drugs until January.

The drugs have to be kept in the fridge so am currently monopolising the whole top shelf of the fridge.

So how have I been getting on with the drugs? Well I inject on Friday nights and every weekend is different in terms to reaction to the drug. It has affected my mood, my energy levels and left me feeling like am getting the flu at times. I am having trouble sleeping and having to fight off headaches.

However on the 10 th weekend I thought my body was starting to get a bit used to it as I was relatively OK. Had a headache, trouble sleeping and very tired but apart from that nothing else, the mood was OK and I even managed Church and a walk on the Sunday.

The doctor did say that it would take up to three months for my body to get used to this alien drug hitting my system every week. I tell you my legs haven't got used to it, they are sore from the injection site and I constantly have a bruise on each leg!!

Though this is now the 11 th weekend and it has been great. I was tired on the Saturday as per usual with me and nothing else more was strange until the evening when I got shooting pains down my right leg. It was sore during the night and stopped me from sleeping. I thought it might have passed by the morning, but it was so bad in the morning I could not put any weight on it without pain - so that meant no driving either so Sunday, been spent sitting in the house watching TV and working on the PC.

Its interesting every weekend waiting to see what will happen, like Russian roulette! . hopefully it will settle down soon. But at least I have access to drugs to help me control this illness, have to be thankful for that, as without the drugs it could be worse.

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