Sunday 19 October 2014

Another Psuedo relapse

The MS drugs I take are meant to prevent me from having relapses, but since being on them 11 weeks I have had two psuedo relapses - the first one I have already blogged about and the second one happened in the first weekend of October.

I lost the power in my left arm again, it went from being numb, to pins and needles, to being heavy and then being really sore and hot. I couldn't carry things with my left hand otherwise they would be liable to fall and break.  As my Mum told the neurologist at our last consultation, we have had a few broken cups in the house!!

This started to happen on a Thursday and all weekend I felt under the weather, was sore and tired all the time too (no different than any other day, am always tired). I tried to get on with things the best I could as that's all we can do.

On the Sunday night I went to church and was standing up to sing when my arm started to shake uncontrollably, at first I though maybe it was the power of the Holy Spirit!! but it continued throughout the whole service and it scared me. I knew there was no way I could drive home so had to get my friend to drive me home again.

When I got home, my Mum was worried  - though I knew it was related to my MS but new things scare me still - it is a learning process this MS. We rang the on call docs who advised us to go to A&E so we went there and saw triage nurse who was very unhelpful. She said we needed to wait for the doctor but the wait was 5 hours so we decided to go home as the best place for me was bed at that time of night (it was around 11 pm).

I phoned the MS nurse the next morning and she said it was a new symptom and we will have to monitor it. It has not happened since though which is great.

I still suffer from numbness and pins and needles from time to time in both my hands and feet. Oh the joys!!

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