Friday 22 July 2016

Life: Life long learning

I was reading a book recently called Bittersweet by Shauna Niequist, where she listed the things in her life that she was taught by her mother or just simply learned by watching her and listening to her.  And how she was thankful for everything she learned.  After reading this I was inspired to think back on the things I have learned or gained from both of my parents over the past 34 years of life with them. So here goes my list:
  • I learned and gained the love of reading
  • I learned the love of photography and gained the ability to use a camera and how to take a good photo 
  • I learned how to cook and gained some good recipes and tips
  • I learned how to open my home to others and show hospitality to others
  • I learned the importance of being a Christian and having a relationship with Jesus
  • I learned the importance of community
  • I learned about the world and gained a love of travelling and exploring new countries and different cultures
  • I learned about the importance of mission
  • I gained my love of South America from their involvement with EUSA/Latin Link.
  • I gained my love of Toucans
  • I learned the importance of keeping a clean house
  • I learned about never giving up and holding on to what you have got
  • I learned that I should always put a smile on my face
  • I gained the habit of always putting the kettle on when I come home, even if I have just left a coffee shop!!
  • I learned about how to love someone during both the joyful times but especially in the difficult times

There are probably more things in my life that I love or know how to do because of my parents, but for now that list is a start and I give credit and thanks to my parents for making me who I am today.

Sometimes parents think that their children don’t want to learn from their parents, and I can confirm that sometimes I didn’t show any interest but what I have learned is that even if you don’t want to, you do end up picking things from your parents just by being with them and living with them. Things kind of just seep into you by osmosis!  - It’s the nurturing part of life!

You learn a lot of things and become the person you are mostly due to who brought you up, where you were brought up and how. For example I am a Christian, and this is mainly due to the fact that I was brought up in a Christian family, taken to church and learned from an early age of Jesus and his love for me.

It may have taken me tile I was 17 to accept Jesus and who he was but I may never have had the chance of knowing that if it wasn’t for my parents. So again thanks to my parents  - it’s not easy bringing up children  - but you haven’t done too bad – you taught me a lot even I didn’t take everything on board – I learnt the important parts of life.