Friday 4 August 2017

Book Quotes: Battles Christian Face by Vaughan Roberts

Though you have not seen him, you love him; and even though you do not see him now, you believe in him and are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy (1 Peter 1 v 8)

Throughout our lives, we will have to fight against the world, the flesh (our sinful nature) and the devil. We are not immune from the effects of the fall

Christians will face sickness, loneliness, depression, unemployment, and death along with everyone else. We can also expect to experience extra hardships because of our allegiance to Christ in a world that rejects him.

Ultimately we find our identity and security in God and our relationship with him.

We can never find our true identity; we can only receive it in Christ as a gift of God’s grace.

Our acceptance by God depends not on what we do for him, but on what he has done for us in Christ. We are not called to live a life of holiness in order to secure God’s approval.

Our identity is not found in our marital status, race, job or state of health; it is found in Christ.

It is of infinite importance that we are in Christ and can look forward to spending eternity with him.
We are not to construct our own image, but rather to cooperate with God in his great work of restoring us to his image.

There are four key lessons to learn from the account of David’s fall:
1. Beware dangerous circumstances
2. Don’t take the next step
3. Remember where lust leads
4. Listen to God’s word

There are particular pressures for single people. All of us are created with a deep desire for intimacy. The more isolated we feel, the more we are likely to be tempted to find a shortcut to satisfying that desire

If you have trusted in Christ, all your wrongdoing is “covered.” As far as God is concerned, it does not exist. It is as if he says to us, “You may keep bringing that deed to mind, but I don’t. Christ has paid for it. I will never mention it again. It’s dealt with.” In God’s sight, our sins are forgiven, forgotten, forever.

If we have acknowledged our sin and appreciated God’s forgiveness, we have much to praise God for. We may have to suffer many trials on earth, but we do so in the knowledge that God is with us. And, as those who are justified by Christ, we can be sure we will spend eternity with him.

As you struggle with questions, do not forget the answers you have already discovered. As you grapple with uncertainties, remember that of which you can be sure.

We should not be surprised when we face difficulties and doubts; they are a normal part of the life of faith. Christian faith is faith, not sight.

We are all spiritually dead by nature, facing eternal separation from God because of our rebellion against him. Christ came to make possible the fullness of life that can only be found in a relationship with his Father through him

Certain personality types are especially prone to doubt. Some people are anxious by nature.

God is concerned above all for our holiness rather than our short-term happiness.

Depression can be due to circumstances, past experiences, personality or simply the body’s chemistry.

Far from preventing depression, our Christian faith can even make the experience seem harder to deal with.

Reading the Bible and praying are often a great struggle for those suffering from depression.

Depression does often affect the body, sometimes leading to aches and pains as well as more frequent illnesses.

God does not abandon his people, but that is sometimes what it feels like. Even the most faithful believers can experience deep depression and a sense of spiritual desolation.

We worship the Messiah who knows what it is like to suffer, and his suffering far outweighed even the agony of a deep depression. Yet he put his hope in God and was vindicated.

The way to greatness in God’s eyes is the path of humble, sacrificial service.

So Jesus is saying, “If you are to be a servant, you must be prepared to welcome people like this – the unimpressive people who everyone else ignores; the lowest of the low.”

If God accepts a person, so should the apostles.

Perhaps you feel that no-one understands you; you do not really understand yourself. But God understands; he knows you better than you know yourself. As the Psalmist wrote, “O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar” (Ps. 139:1–2).

 “You are not an unwanted child”.

Singleness should certainly not be seen as second best. Jesus never married and never experienced sexual intercourse, but he was the most fully integrated human being in history.

We will often struggle to understand God’s purposes, but we can be sure that he is in control and lovingly overrules throughout our lives for our good.

Everyone’s testimony is different, but there is a common thread running through each one: God calls people to Christ by his Spirit through his word.

Our relationship with Christ depends not on what we do for him, but on what he has done for us. We are not saved by works but by God’s grace as we trust in Christ.

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