Friday 7 April 2017

Book Review: If we could have coffee by Holley Gerth

If we could have Coffee is an e-book which is a thirty day of heart to heart encouragement. It is a small book and is easy to read and full of encouragement about God and His love for us.

Holley Gerth writes from the heart and each daily devotional is written directly to the reader and each day on reading the devotional it did feel as if the words written on the page were meant directly for me – that’s divine – that’s the Holy Spirit working and God using other people’s words to talk right to me.

Holley wrote the book to encourage us especially on days when we are feeling low and to show us that:
  • We are loved
  • We don’t have to try so hard
  • We are not alone
  • We are part of a plan
  • And that God will never give up on us.

I do recommend this book because in a world which is busy and full of alternate facts and fake news this books shows us that God is the truth. 

1 comment:

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