Thursday 9 June 2016

Politics: The EU Debate

Brexit or Bremain? That is the big question at the minute and I am so looking forward to the 23 June when everyone casts their votes and a decision is finally going to be made, although it will take two years for everything to be sorted out if the decision is Brexit.

I get quite frustrated when this subject is brought up at social gatherings I am at and I can feel myself getting anger. Sometimes politics is not the best subject to debate with friends.

I have my views and I know which why my vote will go, but I am not sure that opposing my views on other people and trying to influence them or tell them how I think they should be voting is the best idea. I would hate people doing it to me, so why should I do it do others?

We all have the right to decide for ourselves so I think we should all do that. I have decided how I am that I am now going to surrender the issue to God and let Him deal with it, because at the end of the day God is completely Sovereign and already knows how things will plan out, so I am going to let Him deal with it as I know that with Him all things can work out for His greater good.

I am now not going to discuss the Bremain or Brexit issue again except with maybe my family as with them my views are safe.  If this question comes up in other social gatherings, church or work, then I am just going to turn my ears off!

When I vote I will be taking into consideration the following areas as I think they are very important:

  • What will the consequences be for Northern Ireland if we leave the EU?
  • What will the consequences be for the NHS be and how will it affect the giving of health services to those who need it?
  • European Holidays and how they will be affected?

And finally the most important area: 
  • If the United Kingdom left the European Union, how exactly will it affect the young people of today? In all decisions of life as big as this we need to think of the younger generation and how it will affect them as they are the ones who will have to live with and deal with all outcomes, fallouts and consequences.

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