Saturday 2 January 2016

Literature: 32 Books that Will Change Your Life

I came across an article about the 32 books which will actually change your life, so I went through the list to see how many I had read and if they did actually change my life. Have you read them and have they changed your life?

1. The Diving Bell and the Butterfly: Jean Dominique Bauby.  

This book follows the life of a narcissistic editor turned ward of the hospital after a sudden stroke which leaves him paralyzed and unable to communicate.

I have read this book and it did affect me when I read it as it made me realise that you need to see every moment in your life as precious especially those spend with those your love as life is short. I do recommend that you do read this, but have a box of hankies beside you!

2.  Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance: Robert M Pirsig

I haven’t read this book so I can comment on it, but the title sounds interesting and I like to read books with interesting titles as the novel itself may be interesting as well.   I might just put it on the list of books to read!

3. Cat’s Cradle: Kurt Vonnegut

Again I have never read this book, but looking at a synopsis of it, it also looks interesting. It is about the inventory of the atomic bomb, Dr Frank Hoenikker.  Apparently the books will make you question whether or not there should be a limit to the pursuit of knowledge. And it’ll get you to think about the power of weapons, and how even the most competent people can make mistakes with them.

4. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time:  Mark Haddon

I have read this and loved it.  The book revolves round a 15 year old boy called Christopher John Francis Boone who is a brilliant mathematician but also suffers from a behavioural disorder either Asperger’s or Autism but these words are not mentioned in the book because Mark Haddon the author did not want it to be linked to any one specific disorder.
I am not sure if this book changed my life but it certainly made me think a lot more about those who do suffer from behavioural disorders and how they interact with people and life in general. I also recommend that you read this book as well.

5. One Hundred Years of Solitude: Gabriel Garcia Marquez 

Never read this so again cannot comment but I am going to put it on my to read list as it’s about Latin America and I enjoy reading books based in this area, as I once lived in Peru and have an interest in everything  American Latino.

6. Invisible Monsters: Chuck Palahniuk

Never read this book again either.  And am not sure I will as apparently it is a very disturbing books and I don’t like disturbing books.

7. White Oleander: Janet Fitch

Again never read this book.  Never even heard of Janet Fitch

8. In Cold Blood: Truman Capote

Oh it is becoming a trend here, not read this book either.  It is described as a non-fiction novel. I thought novels were all fiction but some may be completely fictionised and those based on real life are known as non-fiction books.

9. Middlesex: Jeffrey Eugenides

Never read this book either.  But apparently it is a stunning novel revolves around Calliope Stephanides (or Cal), and it’s a great read for anyone interested in gender and taking a closer look at how family and biology shape your identity.

10. Play It As It Lays:  Joan Dididon

Never read this book.  The synopsis says it is about Maria Wyeth, a Hollywood actress who has lost control of her life and identity. It’s a tragic read that will force you into deep self-reflection, as it exposes the fact that we live in a culture where nothing is quite good enough. Think will add this to the list of books to read as well.  

11. Ada, or Ardor:  Vladimir Nabokov

Never read this book either. This is by the same person who wrote Lolita, so it will probably be a weird novel!

12. Beloved: Toni Morrison

Not read this novel either but it’s one I would love to read as hard so much about it.  It is a suspenseful novel follows Sethe, who was freed from slavery but never really escapes her memories. It’s an unflinching look into the horrors of slavery, but even more than that, it will fill you with hope.

13. The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian: Sherman Alexie

I might give up on this list as seem to have only read three out of thirteen on the list so far.  Obviously have lived a sheltered life!  This book is about Junior who grew up on a Spokane Indian Reservation, but he’s also a budding cartoonist who dreams of getting off the rez. This book is funny, smart, and heart-breaking, but because of all that, it will make you question the idea of destiny.  Going to add this to my list also.

14. Push: Sapphire

Not read it. I think this book was made into a movie. I have not seen the movie either but I want to as the story looked good. It is gut-wrenching and horrifying, but it will ultimately inspire anyone to feel like they can overcome the odds, but it’s a true story of someone who was struggling but came out the other end.

15. It: Stephen King

I have not read this book but have seen the movie and now have no desire to read the book! I watched this movie when I was 15 and it scared me.  It is about a group of children being terrorized by some anonymous entity goes beyond surface-level horror. It opens up a dialogue about childhood trauma and the power of memory, as well as the unspoken ugliness that hides in small-town values.  After watching the movie, every time I went into the bathroom I had to leave the door open in case IT came up the plug hole to terrorise me.
16. Under the Banner of Heaven: Jon Krakauer

Not read this either.  Again it is prescribed as a non-fiction novel which is about the Mormon Church. Do not think I will add this to the list of books to read as well as it does not really sound interesting or my type of thing.

17. Me Talk Pretty One Day:  David Sedaris

Again not read this. And don’t know much about it.  Apparently it is a book of funny true stories.

18. World War Z: Max Brooks

Not read this or even seen the movie which stars Brad Pitt. It is a book about zombies and am not sure if I want to read this or watch the movie.  But I might watch the movie as apparently it is a good watch.

19. The Giver: Lois Lowry

Again not read this.  But from the synopsis it does seem interesting so will add it to the list of books to read. The book takes the reader into Jonas’ world, where there is no pain and everything is controlled. Until he turns 12, which is when he learns that there is pain, and fear, and passion, and emotions that he’s never experienced before.

20. The Fault in Our Stars: John Green

I haven’t read this book either and I know there is a movie about it as well.  I would like to either read the book or watch the movie as apparently it’s very good even though it is one which makes you weep so hankies are needed.

21. A Brief History of Time:  Stephen Hawking

Not read this either and don’t want to, instead will watching the movie based on his life called The Theory of Everything starring Eddie Redmayne. 

22. Sophie’s World: Jostein Goarder

Not read this either but the cover is one of those which makes you want to pick the book up and read it, as does the synopsis.  “Who are you?” and “Where does the world come from?” are the two questions that 14-year-old Sophie Amundsen is faced with. So begins this outline of Western philosophy set in a fictional story. It’s an incredibly accessible path to thinking about philosophy, and it sheds light on the importance of certain discoveries and advances in our society.

23. Crime and Punishment: Fyodor Dostoevsky
This is one of those books which apparently you must read before you die, but the length of it puts me off, so am not sure if I will ever read it.
24. Life of Pi: Yann Martel
Have read this book, which not means have read four of the 24! Not that good going.  I had read this book but then forgotten I had read it but when watching the movie I realised I had.  So seeing that I had forgotten I had read the book means it did not leave a big impression on me so obviously did not change my life and either did the movie, though it was well made.
25. Invisible Man:  Ralph Ellison

Not read this book either.  The title of it would make you think it was about a man who turns invisible, like the Ted Hughes’s book, but it’s not, it’s about one unnamed protagonist dealing with race issues. But underneath all that, it’s about humankind, and how we’re all stumbling along, trying to find ourselves. This book will teach you that actions really do speak louder than words. And what’s true for you isn't true for anyone else.

26. Joy of Cooking: Irma S Rombauer

Not read this book either, an am not sure I want to read a book filled with recipes, it would just make me hungry!

27. Catch-22: Joseph Hellier

I think I have read this book, but am not quite sure. So am going to add it to my list so I can say I have definitely read it.

28. The Train: Georges Simenon

Not read this either.  But it does sound interesting.  It is about the terror and horror of the Nazis invading a bucolic suburb in France. Our unlikely hero is Marcel Ferón, who has an affair after the invasion leaves him separated from his pregnant wife. It explores the idea of living in the moment and will make you question whether or not disassociating from your responsibilities is ever OK.

29. The Artist’s Way: Julia Cameron

Not read this book either, but don’t think I will as it doesn't sound like it is actually an interesting book.

30. The Beautiful & Damned: F.Scott Fitzgerald

Not read this book and am not going to as The Great Gatsby was hard to read so am sure this one would be too!

31. Prodigal Summer: Barbara Kingsolver

Not read this either, but again don’t think I will based on the fact I read the Poisonwood Bible and it bored me to tears so much so I could not finish it. I know we should never judge an author by one book but I do!

32. Never Let Me Go: Kazuo Ishiguro

No read this book either, but apparently it is a hard book to read, so may just watch the movie instead!

Ok, so out of the 32 life changing books I have only read five and seen the movies of two. That is not good going and pretty much makes this exercise pointless! 

1 comment:

  1. the only two I have read is white oleander and the artists way and the both do change you a little . white oleander shows how people change to become like whomever they may be around. and the artists way shows ways to stay fresh in your outlooks as a way to stay creative and not get uninspired; I read a lot but its not usually the latest books
